Using Artificial Intelligence to steer through the Covid-19 pandemic

Anusha R
2 min readJun 5, 2020

Nobody imagined that the whole world would be under a complete lockdown and the markets would crumble like never before!! We are on the verge of an economic collapse and our lives won’t be the same. Working from home, decrease in travel, maintaining social distancing, home schooling, happy hours and celebrations over video calls are the new NORMAL. At the time of writing this, more than 40 million people have filed for unemployment just in the US. People working in the restaurant and hospitality industry have suffered the most job losses.

BlueDot, an AI database company which combines public health and medical expertise with advanced data analytics to track and predict infectious diseases risk. It was one of the first companies to identify the emerging risk from Covid-19 in the Hubei province and had sent out warnings to people to avoid visiting Wuhan.

There are many apps which many countries are using as a means to monitor and alert people if they had recently come in close contact with a person having the virus or is suspected to be infected. Robots assisted by AI and big data are being used in China to reduce the burden on doctors and healthcare workers.

AI is playing a very important role in the development of the vaccine by creating a genome sequence of the virus and a replica of the virus, which helps in creating diagnostic tests. DeepMind, is making use of the data collected to predict the genome structure and analyze the type of drugs suitable as a possible cure.

DarwinAI, a Canadian startup has come up with a neural network that scans X-rays for Covid-19 signs. These X-ray scans can be used at clinics and hospitals which do not have sufficient test kits available for testing patients.

Stay home and stay safe☺️☺️!!

